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Affiliate Program


Join - Recommend - Earn

Welcome to AudioCityUSA Affiliate Team

Thrive in the largest affiliate marketing program in the custom wheels industry. Our program helps social media influencers, content creators, publishers, bloggers and anyone who wants to monetize their traffic. After all, a little extra pocket money never hurt anybody, isn’t it? So why not take your skills to a test drive and earn great mileage!

Sign-up to Our Program

With over ten thousand products available on AudiocityUSA, you just have to use our customized link-building tool to direct your audience to the recommended page. Sounds simple? Even simpler to do! Follow these 3 quick and easy steps to become a member –


With new products and programs launching every month, you get a chance to join hundreds of creators, publishers and bloggers!


Use link-building tools to share and recommend our products to your audience.


Earn commissions for every qualifying purchase or program and watch your income take up speed!

We’re Committed to Your Success

We help you make the most out of our company. For every referral order you make, you receive a percentage of the total amount of the order as points, depending on the rank you are in. (Points are equal to money, you can cash-out every other week) Unlike a sponsorship program where companies send free items in favor of marketing, our program puts the ball in your court! We just have one simple rule- The more you promote, the more you get! No cap limits and no marketing requirements!

Don't miss out on a great opportunity to grow your community and help your audience to get quality products.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the affiliate program work?

You recommend our products and programs available at AudioCityUSA to your audience. For every qualifying purchase – you earn rewards!

How do I earn from this program?

You earn from every qualifying purchase and program through the traffic you drive to AudioCityUSA. NOTE – Commissions differ depending on the rank you are in.

How do I qualify for this program?

Social Media Influencers catering to the automobile contents or bloggers, publishers and content creators with a qualifying website or mobile app can participate in this program.

How do I sign up for the program?

Sign up to the program .

We will review your application and approve it if you meet the qualifying criteria.



MEDIA INFORMATION (*At least one is required)

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