5 Tips on How to Take Care of Tires

How to Take Care of Tires

Did you know that approximately 733 people died in 2016 due to tire-related car crashes?

Your tires aren’t just unsafe when they’re flat. Plenty of issues can cause tires to be less-than-safe, from worn out treads to low pressure. Read on to find out how to take care of tires properly, so that they last as long as possible while remaining safe and reliable.

1. Inspect Your Tires Regularly

How often do you inspect your tires?

Many car owners just change their tires periodically and don’t bother to give them a second thought for months on end.

However, you should really inspect your tires once a month. Even a simple visual inspection will do.

Here’s what to look for when checking your tires:

  • Bulges on the sides of a tire
  • Small pebbles or other objects stuck in the tire treads
  • Any tiny punctures or tears on the outer layer of each tire.

When you inspect your tires, remember to check your spare as well. Though you might not need to check your spare as closely as you check the tires that are in use, make sure that the spare is in good shape in case you need to use it.

2. Check Your Tread Depth

Not only are shallow treads unsafe on the road, but they are actually illegal.

Your tire treads should be at no less than 2/32 of an inch in depth. That’s the absolute legal minimum for tire tread depth.

In fact, if even half of your tire tread is worn off, studies show that’s very risky on the road, especially in wet conditions.

You can have a tire expert check your treads, but do it yourself with a simple test as well. The penny test is a reliable way to check your treads. Run a penny through the grooves in your tires. If Abraham Lincoln’s face disappears between the grooves, you have bald tires.

3. Be Aware Of Your Tires Expiration Date

Even if your tires aren’t exactly bald, they may not be roadworthy anymore.

Did you know that your tires have an expiration date?

Most consumers and even some car manufacturers don’t pay attention to the expiration date, especially if the tires weren’t used on a car yet. However, even tires that were never used can lose their structural integrity over time.

Your tire doesn’t have an exact expiration date printed on it. Instead, it has its date of manufacturing printed on the inside of the tire. This 10 or 11 digit code shows you the year and date in which the tire was manufactured. Six years from that date is when the tire expires.

4. Rotate Your Wheels and Align Your Tires

Regular wheel rotation and tire alignment can both prolong the lifespan of your tires.

You should rotate your wheels after every 5 thousand to 7500 miles, or every time you spot irregular wear during your monthly tire inspection.

Tire alignment should be done after every 4550 miles. Your alignment should also be adjusted whenever you notice that it’s harder to steer your car or when you have some suspension components replaced.

If you’re not sure how to align your tires, take your car to a local tire service expert for a simple alignment check and wheel rotation.

5. Monitor Tire Pressure

Are your tires’ pressure levels either too low or too high?

Neither too much pressure nor too little bodes well for the safety and longevity of your tires. Low pressure can cause decreased friction in your tires, while high pressure can put them at a higher risk of being punctured.

The proper tire pressure depends entirely on your car. Check your vehicle’s owner’s manual to determine the exact pressure your tires need. Then, use a pressure gauge to monitor your tires during each inspection. If needed, fill each tire with either nitrogen or compressed air as needed.

Now Do You Know How to Take Care of Tires?

Proper tire maintenance is time-consuming, but it is well worth it. Now that you know how to take care of tires on a regular basis, you can prolong their lifespan.

However, if you need a wheel or tire replacement, contact us today. Get in touch, whether you just need advice on tire maintenance or you’re looking for quality service.